

Friday, November 4, 2011

To Tame or Not to Tame?: That is the Question...

    Recently, a young lady asked me what she can do to keep her locks "tame" as she found her hair to be very unweildy and often times, hairs will be out of place.  I advised her that the beauty of natural hair is that there is a sense of freedom and relaxation in the process and it is not necessary to "tame" the hair.  Some locks will grow longer than others, sometimes one or two will break off, causing those locks to  be shorter than others.  If one is simply wearing a natural style that is not necessarily locks perfect neatness  is also not necessary.  Explore a sense of freedom when wearing natural hair styles.  Just let go and be carefree and let your hair serve as a guide to being the true you. If there are hairs out of place or varied lengths, not to worry, just be cool about it.  It is not necessary to tame natural hair because Natural is Cool Enough and That's N.I.C.E!