

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Malaak Compton Rock (Wife of Chris Rock) and Daughters on Oprah

Recently, Malaak Comptom-Rock was on Oprah with her two beautiful daughters.  As you may know, Malaak is the wife of Chris Rock of the film "Good Hair" and comedy fame.  In his film, "Good Hair" he talks about the ills of the kiddie perm and other details about the perm, weaves, etc.  When his daughters and his wife appeared on Oprah, they were all wearing their hair straight.  It is not clear if his daughters have perms, on the Oprah show. or if their hair is flat ironed or straightened in another way or if his wife has the same or a weave.  Malaak was on the show to talk about the wonderful work that she is doing, giving back to the community, and involving her daughters in the process which is admirable.  However, what do you think about her hair and that of her daughters, given that her husband's film is "Good Hair" and the content of the film? Thoughts?

The link below will connect you to the Malaak-Compton Rock video:



Wanda's Warriors said...

It is hard to tell if their hair is permed or pressed. I hope it is pressed. But I did notice is how the girls have such a grown-up hair style. What happened to ponytails?!?!? And Mrs Rock's hair did look like a weave. I believe that they can offer their opinion that ended up being the foundation of the Good Hair film, but they don't necessarily have to have natural hair.

naturaliscoolenough said...


I sought of agree, except Chris Rock made a big deal about the "kiddie perm" perm in his film so it was a little surprising to see his little girls with such straight hair. Since it's impossible to know if their hair is permed or straightened with heat (straightening comb or flat iron), there is no room for speculation. Also, I think I am of the mind that if you profess great concern about something you would not necessarily do the thing that you are expressing concern about and that goes for your immediate family as well. Nevertheless, that is idealism. People are free to do whatever they choose. Interesting though, huh? I would love to have a conversation with Chris and Malaak about this to hear how they reconcile it all. I'm sure it would be a very interesting conversation. Thanks for your comment Wanda. I appreciate your point.

Lori said...

I saw that show also and said, "Hmm . . ." Since Rock made such a big deal about the kiddie perms, I'm inclined to think the girls have their hair flat-ironed.

However, while watching the movie "Good Hair" (which I did under duress, lol) I thought it interesting that Rock's wife Malaak was never interviewed or asked her opinion. I think it's kind of obvious that she wears and has worn weave.

Also, at the end of "Good Hair" (which I thought send a lot of mixed messages), I was left with the impression that Rock had pretty much concluded there was a weave somewhere in his daughters' futures . . .

Anonymous said...

My 14 year old daughter, husband and I just watched Chris Rock's film on hair. Being W this was all new and eye opening to us all. My daughter and I both voiced that in response to the comments the young ladies interviewed in school said about being taken more seriously in the work world for having "done hair" we disagreed. We both felt that when we have meet an AA woman with natural hair we viewed her at first glance as being more educated, informed and someone who has "risen above the crowd". We thought she was more regal, powerful and strong and we admired her right away. My daughter and I could not tell you why we felt this, it was just our "unspoken impression". After seeing the film and getting a glimpse of what it takes to have good hair, I now see I was picking up on the bold and brave spirit that these women possess to be themselves and not be defined by their hair. Bravo to you all!