

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Janet Jackson Goes for the Big Chop!

So, I'm back to hair, although I am still lending my ears, eyes and heart to the BP Oil Crisis which continues as an ongoing tragedy.  In any event, in catching up on hair news, I have learned that Janet Jackson has gone for the "Big Chop."  Another naturalista...at least that seems to be the case at this point.  Janet is one who has been very versataille with her hair and has expressed herself naturally in the past.  Remember her as Penny and then the fabulous braids in Poetic Justice, at the Grammy's and now slicked back and short.  Praise for our sister!  She's been through a lot with the loss of her brother in such a public and intense way.   Perhaps this is a new phase of  her life for now.  Hair is often a true indication of our level of consciousness.  Sometimes when our consciousness heightens we need to get to the true essence of ourselves.  Letting go of what is not real about us is often a great way to start.  Of course, this is all speculation because I have no idea why Janet cut her hair but at this point, I am offering her praise and support because if there is one thing that I know for sure it is that Natural is Cool Enough and that's N.I.C.E.!

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