

Monday, March 15, 2010

How to Maintain locs when there is New Growth! Great Video!

Check out this video on how to maintain locks without using clips! 

Enjoy! By the way...I never use clips.  My goal is to always be comfortable so lovin' this video!  N.I.C.E.


Unknown said...

I just loved that video. I have only done my hair once. My loctition nor I use any products on my hair, as far as locing gel. I only use moisturizers. I am going to try this technique tomorrow, because I forgot to call for an appointment and I usually get my hair washed every two weeks and it's time.

naturaliscoolenough said...

Wanda's comment is right on. Sounds right to me. I use only shea butter and it keeps my hair wonderfully soft and maintains my locs for twisting purposes. Watch out for more films on the subject because more are on the way. Enjoy!

Unknown said...

Okay, I was my hair this past Saturday and tried the procedure that was explained in the video and I am so pleased, more like excited. I just love how it made my hair look. My loctition will be very disappointed when she doesn't get to see me. I may go to her on holidays. Thanks for the video.

naturaliscoolenough said...


Glad the video helped! Please look for more which will be posted in the near future.